Vladimir L.

Campu-Score: 75

Bewertungen von den Eigentümern:

Anzahl der besuchten Grundstücke: 5
Anzahl der Leihwagen: 0

27.7 - 28.7.2024 Vojtěch říká:

Bezproblémová spolupráce. Objednáno na poslední chvíli, ale všechno klaplo jak mělo. Díky za návštěvu.
30.6 - 6.7.2023 Petr říká:

Vše naprosto v pořádku..... DOPORUČUJI

Die kleine Palette am Wehr der Mühle
27.7 - 28.7.2024 Vladimir sagt:
This small fenced meadow among a couple of weekend houses is peaceful enough for resetting in nature after working week, or a family getaway. The only benefit from the river which it borders is gurgling, since it is muddy and approach is not safe. Anyone wanting to splash can do it in the biotope pool which is in the walking distance. The owner is pretty cool dude, his mother welcomed me and he also came to tell me there is someone in the settlement speaking english in case I need something.
Entspannung bei den Pferden in Stara Boleslav
21.7 - 22.7.2024 Vladimir sagt:
Well groomed meadow next to a horse ranch. Plenty of space with a few trees around and two toilets. Upper part continues into a light forrest with a road next to it which can be used for hiking. I could not find a fire pit or grill mentioned in the listing. Also nearby road is pretty busy with loud cars (I was there on Sunday maybe on weekdays traffic is lighter). Nearby there are a few lakes with water sports and swimming available. Overall, decent place if you don't mind hearing cars, and especially for families.
Palouček u Jizery
10.5 - 12.5.2024 Vladimir sagt:
I used this beautiful meadow for camping. It is situated in a small village close to Jizera river. A rock riverbank with fire pit overlooks the river. I spent a night, put up a fire and enjoyed in stars, beer and sound of a river. Krkonose National Park and highest peak Snezka are 60 mins drive. The owner is very kind, helpful and speaks English.
Sázava - Gepflegte Flächen am Ufer der Sázava
11.8 - 12.8.2023 Vladimir sagt:
Nice piece of land on the bank of the river. Two other persons who visited at the same time with me were enjoying fishing and boating was also popular (river is slow in this area). Entrance is directly from the street and there is a pump for a water in the mid of the land. Being close to river means night will be colder and your tent will be wet in the morning. It's hardly possible to sleep outside. Overall, a great place for a weekend escape.
Wiese - Wald
30.6 - 6.7.2023 Vladimir sagt:
Pěkná oplocená louka u potůčku (nedostupný z pozemku). Je to ve vesnici nedaleko Karlových Varů. I když je v okolí několik domů, během své pětidenní návštěvy jsem měl klid - používal jsem ho většinou přes noc, protože jsem během dne prozkoumával.
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